
WP 1: Laying hen welfare: definition and indicators

Report with consensual version of welfare definition and welfare indicators
    Deliverable 12.pdf

WP 2: Description of housing systems for laying hens

2.3 Description of housing for laying hens

Deliverable 23.pdf

WP 3: Health

3.1-3.3 Health

Deliverables 31-33 Health.pdf

WP 4: Behaviour

4.1 Literature review on bird preferences

Deliverable 41.pdf

4.2 Report on prevalence of feather pecking in various production systems

Deliverable 42.pdf

4.3a Report on substrate needs and preferences

Deliverable 43a.pdf

4.3b Substrate preferences in chickens selected for and against feather pecking behaviour

Deliverable 43b.pdf

4.4 Definitions of behavioural indicators for evaluating substrate quality

Deliverable 44.pdf

4.5 Evaluation of litter quality in various housing systems

Deliverable 45.pdf

4.6 Behavioural function of production systems for laying hens

Deliverable 46_Final.pdf

4.7 Final chapter on behaviour

Deliverable 47 Behaviour.pdf

WP 5: Physiological stress indicators

5.4 Physiology and stress indicators (final report)

Deliverable 54 Physiology.pdf

5.4 Physiology and stress indicators
Annexes (final report)

Deliverable 54 Annexes.pdf

WP 6: Productivity and Egg quality

6.2 Report on production and egg quailty

Deliverable 62.pdf

WP 7: Integrated welfare assessment

7.1 Overall strengths and weaknesses of each defined housing system for laying hens, and detailing the overall welfare impact of each housing system

Deliverable 71 Welfare assessment.pdf

7.2 Manual that can be used to
audit the welfare of laying hens at a farm level in whatever housing system they are held

Deliverable 72 Manual.pdf