Other meetings

The aim, progress and results of the LayWel project and parts of the project were presented on a range of meetings.

In the table below a list of these is given. One meeting needs special attention. Papers with the results of the different WPs were presented in a workshop at the 7th European Poultry Welfare Symposium, that was held in Lublin in Poland in 2005. This symposium was organised by the WPSA Working Group 9 on Poultry Welfare. They had chosen to organise the event in Poland to encourage representatives of new member states to attend the meeting. The symposium served as an appropriate and up-to-date source of information on European Poultry Welfare for these countries and as a means to present the results of their research and thus inform western European countries about their special issues. Also this Symposium was used to discuss the LayWel project with Eastern European scientists and to get input from them in the final results.
Apart from a workshop at the European Poultry Welfare Symposium the results were presented in seminars and symposia at the most important poultry exhibitions, e.g. VIV (Utrecht, NL), EUROTIER (Hannover, D), Rennes (F), Forli (I). The first two exhibitions are important for Europe including Eastern Europe, the Middle-East, Africa and Asia, while the last two address different regions of Europe.



Type of audience

Countries addressed

Size of audience

Partner responsible /involved

08-13.06.04 (1/2)ConferenceResearch/IndustryWorld400INRA
09.12.04 (3)ConferenceIndustryFrance100INRA
09.12.04(3)Press briefingJournalistFrance5INRA
12.04(4)ConferenceHigher education, research & IndustryInternational?UHOH
04(5)ConferenceHigher education, research & IndustryGermany?UHOH
15-16.03.05(6)ConferenceHigher education, research (INRA)France150INRA
30-31.03.05(7/8)ConferenceResearch & Industry France250INRA
18-20.04.05(9)WorkshopResearchEC40ID-Lelystad, UNIVBRIS
23-26.05.05(10)ConferenceResearch and industryEurope and overseas120PV-Lelystad
15-19.06.05(11)ConferenceResearch and industryEurope and overseas120All partners
22-24.09.05(12)ConferenceResearch/IndustryWorld200Most partners
05(15)ConferenceHigher education, research & IndustryGermany?UHOH
05 (16)ConferenceHigher education, research & IndustryGermany?UHOH

  1. Published paper: Guémené D, Guesdon V, Moe RO, Michel V & Faure JM. (2004) Production and stress parameters in laying hens beak-trimmed or not, housed in standard or furnished cages. In : 22nd World's Poultry Congress; Istanbul (TUR); 2004/06/08-13, Proceedings:321(abstract), CDROM:[/1225.pdf] 4p. WPSA, turkish branch, Izmir (TUR).
  2. Published paper: Moe RO, Guémené D, Larsen HJS, Bakken M, Lervik S, Hetland H & Tauson R. (2004) Effect of pre-laying rearing conditions in laying hens housed in standard or furnished cages on various indicators of animal welfare. In : 22nd World's Poultry Congress; Istanbul (TUR); 2004/06/08-13, Proceedings:329 (abstract), CDROM:[\1619.pdf] 4p. WPSA, turkish branch, Izmir (TUR).
  3. Published paper:Guémené D, Couty M, Guesdon V, Moe RO, Lervik S, Michel V & Faure JM. 2004. Bien-être des poules pondeuses en cages conventionnelles ou aménagées : quels sont les enseignements des essais conduits en station expérimentale ? Journée Nationale ITAVI des Professionnels de la pondeuse et de l’œuf de consommation, 9 Décembre 2004, Ploufragan, France. 11p.
  4. Bessei, W. (2004). Entwicklungen und Perspektiven in der Legehennenhaltung. DGfZ-Schriftenreihe - Sachstand und Perspektiven der Legehennenhaltung - Internationale Legehennentagung, 4. Dezember, Leipzig 36: 5-15.
  5. Guémené D, Guesdon V, Moe RO, Michel V & Faure JM. (2005) Paramètres de production et indicateur de bien-être chez des poules pondeuses épointées ou non, élevées en cages standard et aménagées. èmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole, St Malo, France, March 30-31 Ed ITAVI, Paris (FRA). Abstract p 29. Full text (CD Roms) p82-86.
  6. Bessei, W., Prof., Dr., (2004). Bedeutung und Gestaltung von Kaltscharrräumen. Jahrbuch für die Geflügelwirtschaft 107-112.
  7. Bessei, W. (2004). Experiences with modified enriched cages (MEC) for laying hens. Vortrag, Erfahrungen zur Boden, Volieren- und Freilandhaltung, Bonn 2004
  8. Buttow Roll, V. F. (2005). Productivity and animal welfare on commercial laying hens housed in furnished cage systems. PhD-thesis.
  9. European workshop, entitled 'Should hens be kept outside?, the Netherlands, April 18-20, 2005.
  10. Accepted paper: Fiks, T.G.C.M., 2005. Housing systems for laying hens and their effect on egg quality. XIth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, 23-26 May 2005.
  11. 7th European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, Lublin, Poland, 15-19 June, 2005. Name of session: ‘Welfare implications of changes in production systems for laying hens’ of which the LayWel project will be a major component.
  12. 3rd International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, 22 - 24 September 2005. University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna.
  13. Report for National stakeholders of LayWel.
  14. Meeting with stakeholders and members European Commission to discus drafts of final reports.
  15. Bessei, W. and P. Gayer (2005). Alternative Haltungssyteme für Legehennen. Vortrag, LAF-Tagung, Hohenheim, 22.02.05
  16. Bessei, W. and P. Gayer (2005). Neue Ergebnisse zur Kleingruppenhaltung. Vortrag, WPSA Jahrestagung, Papenburg 2005